Viet Nam National Plastic Action Partnership
NPAP is a national led multi-stakeholder platform that enables collaboration between the government and other vital partners to turn plastic waste and pollution commitments into action...
NPAP is a national led multi-stakeholder platform that enables collaboration between the government and other vital partners to turn plastic waste and pollution commitments into action. NPAP, as part of Global Plastic Action Partnership, aims to shape more sustainable and inclusive world through the eradication of plastic pollution.
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Our stories and initiatives from NPAP community
NPAP’s concreted action across all 6 impact areascollectively contributes towards vital change in theplastics sector, through 3 pillars: convening people,generating insights, and catalyzing partnership andactions.
Engage stakeholders to promote investment tacklingplastic waste and pollution
More detailBring visibility to innovations, create opportunities forhigh-potential innovators to connect with those who canscale their innovations
More detailFacilitate evidence-based, country-level analysis andaction planning to create a best-practice framework formeasuring plastic waste reduction
More detailAmplify initiatives that help citizens and consumers forma more sustainable relationship with plastics
More detailSupport policy-makers to strengthen policies andregulatory frameworks that enable a supportiveenvironment for addressing plastic pollution
More detailAim to ensure diverse voices and inclusive perspectivesare integrated across all our partnerships
More detailNPAP is a national led multi-stakeholder platform that enables collaboration between the government and other vital partners to turn plastic waste and pollution commitments into action.
The word “innovation” is derived from the Latin verb innovare, which means to renew. In essence, the word has retained its meaning up until today. Innovation means to improve or to replace something, for example, a process, a product, or a service. In the context of companies, however, the term needs a definition. In the complex context of business, a definition is needed.
NPAP is a national led multi-stakeholder platform that enables collaboration between the government and other vital partners
NPAP is a national led multi-stakeholder platform that enables collaboration between the government and other vital partners