
Packaging Recycling Organization Vietnam - PRO Vietnam

  • Category:


  • Keyword:

    packaging, recycle, circular economy, 3R

  • Stage:

    2019 - Now

  • National Partners:

  • International Partners:

    Coca-Cola Vietnam, Friesland Campina, La Vie, Nestlé Vietnam, NutiFood, Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam, Tetra Pak Vietnam, TH Group, URC Vietnam, An Nam Group, Far Eastern Polytex Limited, Saigon Co.op

  • Contact

    PRO Vietnam

Brief Innovation

PRO Vietnam will work towards its ambition through 4 pillars of activities: (1) educating consumers on recycling awareness and segregation; (2) strengthening the existing packaging collection ecosystem; (3) supporting recycling programs of processors and recyclers; and (4) PRO Vietnam will also work with government in the “Recycle” aspect of 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and through its unique voluntary, public-private partnership aims to improve livelihood conditions and create jobs for individuals and businesses working on post-consumer packaging.


Category: Initiative
Keyword: packaging, recycle, circular economy, 3R

Multiple donors (Coca-Cola Vietnam, FrieslandCampina, La Vie, Nestlé Vietnam , NutiFood, Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam, Tetra Pak Vietnam , TH Group and URC Vietnam)

National Partners:
International Partners: Coca-Cola Vietnam, Friesland Campina, La Vie, Nestlé Vietnam, NutiFood, Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam, Tetra Pak Vietnam, TH Group, URC Vietnam, An Nam Group, Far Eastern Polytex Limited, Saigon Co.op
Location(s) in Vietnam:
Location(s) in Other countries: Viet Nam
Stage: 2019 - Now
Total budget:

Lorem Ipsum

Metrics/ diagnostics


Policy advice

Capacity building

Investment/ financing

Public awareness/ outreach

Private sector development