Informing policySupport policy-makers to strengthen policies and regulatory frameworks that enable a supportive environment for addressing plastic pollution
A Global Treaty on Ending Plastic Pollution
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Brief information on a Global Plastics Treaty
In February 2022, the resumed fifth session of UNEA (UNEA 5.2) adopted a resolution....
View detailConsultations toward INC-2 of a global plastic treaty
Following up the first session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC)....
View detailInnovations towards a global plastic treaty
The ongoing negotiations for adoption of a global plastics treaty calls for pragmatic actions from...
View detailA Global Treaty on Ending Plastic Pollution
Transforming behaviourPromote plastic waste collection and segregation incoastal provinces
EPPIC week in Ha Long
Promote plastic waste collection and segregation incoastal provinces
Increasing plastic substitutions and plastic waste collection
Viet Nam NPAP and EPPIC (Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge) of UNDP Viet Nam have .....
View detailDialogue with informal waste workers
The EPPIC week closed with an activity focusing on informal waste workers with waste collection and ...
View detailPlastic Bag Free Day to reduce single-used plasticproducts
NPAP Innovation and Financing Task Force supports andcontributes to the effective coordination of plasticinnovation and investments for promoting plasticcircularity in Viet Nam by building communities of solutionproviders, identifying specific needs, ideating innovativesolutions, and connecting them with financial sources.
First launched on 18 May 2023, the Innovation andFinancing Task Force includes 12 official members(National Innovation Center – NIC, Dow Viet Nam, An PhatHoldings, Duy Tan Recycling, Unilever Viet Nam, UNDPViệt Nam, Galaxy Biotech, UNDP Viet Nam, Innovation. Norway, Green Hub, Plastic Innovation Hub Viet Nam,Startup Viet Nam Foundation), along with 2 observers(USAID’s funded Vietnam Action Against Plastic Pollution,The Circulate Capital) under the chair of InternationalCooperation Department (ICD) of Ministry of NaturalResources and Environment and co-chair of Alliance toEnd Plastic Waste (AEPW).
The Viet Nam NPAP catalyses new financial opportunitiesor collaboration through dialogue facilitating andconvening. The finance unlocking has been implementingthrough the Innovation and Financing Task Force.
Explore a TOOL of Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP) to unlock the plastics circular economy with casestudies on Investments
Viet Nam Plastic Action Assessment and RoadmapConsiderations supports the government’s targets toreduce plastic litter in oceasn by 50% 2025 and by 75% by2030, as outlined in the National Program forStrengthening Plastic Waste Management and thenational Action Plan for Management of Marine PlasticLitter by 2030, also contributing to the nation’s progresstowards the Sustainable Development Goal
Plastic project survey in Viet Nam(Cooming soon)
Gender and Inclusivity Task Force:
That is chaired by the Canadian Embassy in Viet Nam and co-chaired by the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE). This Task Force brings together 16 members including policy makers, waste collectors and recyclers, impact investors, innovators and gender experts. The objective of the Task Force is to mitigate plastic waste and plastic pollution by promoting gender and inclusivity interventions that take into account the roles of women and men and different social groups in supporting plastic waste collection, segregation, and recycling.
Gender Context Assessment of the Plastic Value Chain in Viet Nam: