Brief information on a Global Plastics Treaty

In February 2022, the resumed fifth session of UNEA (UNEA 5.2) adopted a resolution, backed by 175 countries, to forge an “international, legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution” (UNEA Resolution 5/14). The plastic treaty is expected to address the full lifecycle of plastics, including production, design, and disposal. The intergovernmental negotiating committee (INC) planned to take place over 2.5 years, starting from November 2022 (INC1) and ending in
2024 (INC5) with the agreement expected to be tabled for adoption in 2025. The INC timeline is shown in Figure 1. The INC1 took place in Uruguay from 28 November to 2 December 2022 and attracted 2,300 participants to all formal sessions in 5 days of negotiation, including 1,100 government delegates and stakeholders from over 160 countries. The first session of INC focused on addressing the scope, objectives, and structure of the instrument; potential elements of the instrument; standard articles on final provisions and sequencing, and recommended further work. The substance issue is still limited however, the INC requested the secretariat to prepare a document.

Limited progress on issues of substance but the INC requested the secretariat to prepare a document, ahead of INC-2,
“which would outline options for elements of the instrument, based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full lifecycle of plastics, including the objective, substantive provisions including core obligations, control measures, and voluntary approaches, implementation measures, and means of implementation, and both legally binding and voluntary measures” (Summary report of Earth Negotiations Bulletin). From September 2021, Viet Nam, as the co-host of the Ministerial Conference on Plastic Pollution and Ocean Waste with Germany, Ecuador, and Ghana, proactively supported the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration to build political momentum toward the global strategy to address plastic pollution and ocean waste. Affirming the political commitment, Viet Nam Prime Minister issued Decision no. 1407/QD-TTg dated 16 August 2021 to strengthen the country’s preparation and participation in the global treaty to end plastic pollution. Following this decision, the government and relevant ministries and departments need to focus on capacity building, data and information collection, coordination establishment and enhancement, domestic and international resources mobilization, and national capacity promotion. As Viet Nam’s chief negotiator at the INC1, MONRE’s International Cooperation Department will continue to work with other ministries and departments, different stakeholders, especially plastic-related businesses, and associations to understand how the future Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution will have impacts across industries and sectors in Viet Nam.
NPAP will accompany ICD in preparation for the INC2 session on 29 May – 2 June 2023 in Paris, France.